Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Pendulum

The pendulum swings back
All the way back
Suddenly opposite is true
And clouds change hue

The storm crashes in
It’s felt once again
The hard, cold rain will fall
Left outside the wall

The torque of the tether line
The cloud left behind
The sprinkling gathers
The resistance shatters

Running to catch the sun
Eventually bears none
This drenching will be fresh
No help from mere mesh

Umbrellas are for the weak
The Earth inherited by the meek
Falling to my laborious knees
I must run again, please

1 comment:

Learned Friend said...

yes, run again please
remind us all that with time
the earth will be inherinted by the meek and not those who live the way the please.

can anything be more so plain?
labouring in vain, setting in tone
all for what? to chase a breeze?
oh no, so run again please..

though it might rain today, maybe even tomorrow, is it not enough that the seeds grow and th earth is watered, the heat is soon gonea and we all rejoice and say yes please?

So yes, run again please...
maybe, just maybe the devine
will be persuaded to swing the pendulum.Then maybe, it will be
enough to please...thee..