Monday, February 23, 2009

Shame on him

The movie "Milk" did not capture my attention because I inherently disagree with Sean Penn and his messages; and "Milk" seemed like another one of his political messages. I should have known better than to think I could watch the Academy Awards without getting bombarded by his political agenda.

If there was ever any doubt as to which way Hollywood swung, Penn sewed up those loose ends for us. The arrogance! The audacity. But then again, it was to be expected.

Throughout the awards it was a total love-fest. I don't really understand how it doesn't turn more people's stomaches. Before each major award, a slew of past winners got up and spoke gushing, high-school-crush-like words to each nominee. Robert Deniro wraps up his man-lovin' on Penn by mentioning how he advises world leaders. What??!! Come again??!! Excuse me??!! He did NOT just say that.

But oh yes, he did. Penn aparently is reveered for his international counsel. I'd like to meet the screwed up individuals and see their respectively shattered countries in which Penn betowed his righteous wisdom upon. If he is so brilliant, why not abandon profit-seeking movies to run for political office rather than play policy in the magic of movies, a.k.a. not reality where people can actually benefit from actions.

He was honored last night for his acting performance, but turned it into a political rally. Absolutely dishonest and misplaced. He accomplished nothing except turning those who disagreed with him further away, and possibly turning away fans who realized his political agenda.

I work hard for goodness, prosperity, righteousness, and truthfulness. But I have apparently shamed Penn and his disciples. I stand against gay marriage. Penn telling us "shame on you" for voting against gay marriage wins no new supporters.

I have gay family and friends, and they know my stance on this issue. It has nothing to being against gays. It has everything to do with being for families and the well-being of children.

Penn his misplaced good intentions. I have good intentions as well, but I am apparently shamed like a bastard step-child because I disagree with Penn.

No, Sean Penn. Shame on you for hating others. Shame on you for taking advantage of your platform. Shame on you for alienating movie fans. Shame on you making this world a little more difficult in which to live.

1 comment:

Jason Haeger said...

You've heard my rants enough to know why this is the case.

He agrees with the powers that be, and he is a public figure. It doesn't matter that he doesn't know squat about politics, international relations, or political philosophy.

It just matters that he agrees with the powers that be, and that he is a public figure.